
Wildfox Couture Crash Course.
The clothes are insanely magical, the models are super cute, the photos are always edgy yet soft, the lighting is like wow. Its just perfect. I mean seriously, you've got a girl lying on perfect sheets, prolly like an 10000000 thread count, with lovely red lips and a shirt about fangs. Two best friends, one that can totally wrong a top hat, and the other who could totally rock cropped pyjama top and shorts. Like who does that ? I'll tell you, Wildfox does it.
I mean really, all you need is some reasonably good hair - long hair. Smoky eyes, red lips, loose shirts, no pants - and even you could be a wildfox girl.

(Source: wildfox.com)

Oh how i would love to own that fuscia jumper, that peach singlet with the heart, and every single piece of jewelry to grace these photographs. Yes, thats what i want.
In Sydney today it was murderously, scorchingly hot. Like, i could not handle it. And when you where in the sun, it was hot with no breeze whatsoever, and when you were in the shade, Mr McBreezy himself decided to breeze all over your parade.


  1. weeeeeeeee posty posty posty.

    yess wildfox = rad town.
    fuscia jumpers = happy times


  2. just checked out their stuff in Selfridges the other day - that's hot! Sorry, too many Paris Hilton documentaries this week? ;-P
