
the start of the end.

This is the start of the end on my non-blogging ways - if that makes sense ? Basically this is the start of me getting on that blogging bandwagon. Tycho Jaeger is me. The readers are you. And together, we are Tycho Jaeger. What sort of blog is this you ask ? Well, its a fashion blog, music blog, food and food for thought blog - and its also somehow a journal. Yeah that's right, if my blog were an actress, it'd be an A-Lister. If my blog were a band, it have 2 girls, 3 guys. They'd be an indie group. The girls would have platinum blonde hair, and they guys would be rockin' flat caps and slouchy beanies. Their first EP would be "Jerks and Store Clerks." If my blog were a person, it'd be me.

P.S: C-C-Check this OUT. She's mad cool and comes up with super awesome things like "monospectacularismhomophobe." Yeah, who wouldn't want to be her ?


  1. hey! thanks for the comment you left on my blog! yeah, that zipper bracelet is mega-awesome - not my creation though!
    i haven't got a list of links yet but i'll put yours up if i do. i'm looking forward to seeing how your blog grows!

  2. Sweet as pie, I have linked your tycho jaeger bloggety blog. Is that jaeger like jaeger bomb? I can't spell things. looking forward to some beautiful posts of the future.

    and thanks for the stompface love, it's beautiful because it's so ridiculous.


  3. hey there love,

    thanks so much for stopping by.
    i'd love to swap links with you. can't wait to see what awesome-ness you have coming up.

    and how beautiful is that cover yes? and I KNOW! it seems to be hiding from us all! lol if i hear of anyone stocking it anywhere i'll let you know lady.

    love love <3

  4. oh good, I feel happy that I was pronouncing it correctly and have done something right today, as I am rather scatty and seem to be leaving crazed blog comments all over blog land.

    and you should def name your some jaeger, i'm planning on naming my son either Devendra or Sufjan, and then we will become a family band, just like Dr Funke's 100% Natural Good Time Family Band, and all will be right in the world.


  5. ohhh you make it sound so magical! we will have to have a folky montage for sure. I want to do this tomorrow, it is possible to produce two musically trained children by tomorrow right? surely it only takes a few hours.?

    you should use your next post to recruit people to our family band family, you will need to use subliminal messages hidden throughout pictures and key words in the post.
